Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Power of Glee

So Tuesdays are kind of a downer around the ol' homestead (read dorm room), at least until 8:00pm Eastern when yours truly's FAVORITE show comes on and peps everyone up. Seriously people, this TV show, which, if you didn't catch the title, is Glee, has the power to turn a Terrible Tuesday into a Terrific, Totes Fab Tuesday in the space of a 44 minute sans commercials show. Since The Captain is not on board with Dangerlegs and I in this epic love for the best show to grace FOX since Bones, I have compiled a list of my top 5 Glee moments so you can see how a show about singing high schoolers can truly transform a chem lab, runny nose, calc test Tuesday into a fabulous day that not only gets you through the rest of Terrible Tuesday but holds you over until the NEXT Terrible Tuesday comes along and you have ANOTHER Glee episode to look forward to. I don't know what I'll do when they have a break week, so I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it. Anyway, here is the list, as promised. Feel free, followers (all 4 of you!) to add your own fave Glee moments to the list so that when the next day that seems like the worst roles along we all have Glee to cheer us up. 'Cuz let's face it: nothing says get happy RIGHT THIS SECOND quite like a rousing rendition of Teenage Dream done acapella.

5. The Grilled Cheesus Episode
Here's the thing, any episode that starts out with Finn - who is admittedly not the sharpest pencil in the drawer - finding a picture of Jesus on a grilled cheese and the hole cast subsequently finding religion has GOT to be good. What really makes this episode, however, is Kurt's version of The Beatles' "I Want to Hold Your Hand." Well that and the fact that he and a rando lady at Mercedes' church have on the same hat.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow Guest Starring
So rumor has it that Gwennie will be back as Shue's love interest this half of the season, but regardless of whether she reprises her role as Holly Holiday, she's got a spot in my top 5 thanks to her version of Cee Lo Green's "Forget You." The girl's got some pipes and I for one am always going to be around when she proves that she's "top forty, baby!" and comes back as a sub to McKinley High.

3. The Single Ladies Dance
This episode is incredible. I know I've made it seem like they are ALL incredible, which is, in fact, true, but this one is the cream of the crop folks. Kurt, who is still semi in the closet at this point, decides to join the football team as the kicker to get his dad interested in his extracurriculars. Since this is TV, he of course has to score the winning point in the ONE game that McKinley wins all season, but what makes this so splendid is that he performs this game winning kick only after he does the Single Ladies dance up to the ball. Yes, that's right, he puts a ring on it before he scores. Check it out on YouTube if you're in need of a pick-me-up. It's grand.

2. Diva Offs
Who doesn't love a good diva off? Its kind of like Chinese Buffets and an array of other wonderful things - if you don't like em, I don't trust ya. That being said, the two most memorable (and possibly the only two?) of these fab happenings involve Kurt and Rachel singing "Defying Gravity" and Mercedes and Rachel singing "Take Me or Leave Me." Clearly nobody does a diva off quite like Broadway, and these are both fantastic. Kurt purposely biffs the last note of Gravity because he realizes the consequences for his dad if he sings the lead in a "girl's" song, and Sue's evil plan to pit Rachel and Mercedes against each other fails epically when they jam out to a RENT song. Face it Sue, Diva's might be high maintenance, but they really know how to stick together for the greater good...or a least a great song.

1. Season One Finale AKA Regionals
This episode is like a culmination of all the jaw-dropping things this show could pull rolled up into one, presented with a bow and a singing card. Finn tells Rachel he loves her, Quinn has her baby, and the gang rocks out to a Journey Medley. What could be better than that? Nothing, that's what. I'm here to tell you that New Directions has their work cut out for them beating last season's Regionals performance, especially with Sue coaching Oral Intensity. This will be one for the books, folks. Trust me.

Well that's it, the top 5. Feel free to add your own fave Glee moments so we can all share the wonder that is brought about by 12 outcasts fixing their problems and expressing their feelings through song.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can you feel the Love tonight?

I know I can! Today is Valentines Day and for three lone wolves, The Captain, Carol, and I sure did feel a lot of love today! Now, let me be clear, the vast majority of this love was felt in our stomachs as we received and subsequently ate copious amounts of sugary pink things. Oh look heres one now:

I'll give you one guess as to what I did with this cookie after I took a picture of it.

I bet you guessed right and are now jealous, and you should be because these delicious cookies were not the only triumph of the day. Carol was sent her fair share of holiday happiness, cookies, candy, a bear, some socks, the works, and I myself was glad to see that my rents (thats the cool way to say parents) had sent me two packages of Holiday Peeps and a traditional Valentines Day miniature water gun. The Captain was happy to report that they had cupcakes at the dining hall, a rare and wondrous occurrence indeed. She also received the copy of High Fidelity she had been waiting for in the mail! Isn't that great news?! I guess there really is a St. Valentine!

So now you've seen my feet, and had a taste of my blog posting skills, I hope you approve of both. I'm sorry I taunted you with that cookie picture. Happy Valentines Day! I love you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"just look at that social commentary, folks!"

Last night at dinner, the budding young artist Dangerlegs constructed this piece to provide social commentary on the destruction of the rain forest. Media used include broccoli, carrots, milk, and cinnamon toast crunch. Carol provided literal commentary on the construction of this piece into her makeshift microphone (read: spoon). I took pictures.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh Look Palm Trees

Alright, here's the deal. The idea of having a blog blossomed over a trio of snowy January days when campus decided to completely shut down after Athens received at most three inches of snow. Sitting in the dorm room bored to tears - oh what I would give to have that problem now - my fellow Girl told me to start a blog. This new blog was then forgotten - we just had to watch The Sound of Music, a movie that my fellow bloggers were less than impressed by - until we started out on what will now be referred to as The Great Chaco Adventure. A little background information is necessary to fully grasp the extent of this adventure, so here it goes.
Dangerlegs received a lovely pair of Foxy Green Chacos as a Christmas present from her parents that turned out to be a size too small. Since she is from the great Centennial State, she asked to have the new pair of shoes shipped to her here at the dorm, giving FedEx her school address and expecting her shoes, oh I don't know, in a timely manner. A month later, we were worried about the whereabouts of said Foxy Green Chacos, so a call was put in to Dangerlegs' mama who called FedEx who had apparently sent the shoes to a bus stop in the middle of nowhereville and then sent them back to a warehouse. Mama told FedEx that this warehouse was NOT where the Chacos needed to be, so they sent them to a new address. Commence Shipping Fiasco Number Two: the shoes were now shipped to an address that, while on campus, was not our dorm and signed for by an LBradshaw. Now that the shoes had been signed for, FedEx thought they'd been delivered, so we were out of luck until Dangerlegs did some detective work. Using the handy-dandy UGA Directory to figure out just where the elusive shoes had been delivered, we set out on an adventure that finally ended happily, but not without a few bumps - and red lights - along the way.
It's Friday afternoon, and we have located the building that we think the shoes have been shipped to. Dropping Dangerlegs off out front, The Captain and I took a lap around the block before doing what we do best (hanging out in rando places) for a good fifteen minutes while Dangerlegs took her sweet time sniffing out another clue. She came back out, armed with a new name and number, and we continued our sleuthing game as we drove out to Target for some essentials (read gummy worms and printer ink). Just as we pulled into the parking lot, Dangerlegs got a phone call: WE HAD LOCATED THE SHOES. Spinning a quick U-ey, we headed back across Athens, waiting not-so-patiently for Gladys the Garmin to finally acquire satellites so we could find the Foxy Green Chacos. The Great Chaco Adventure was well underway, my friends, but little did we know that it was far from over. You see, this "other" Dangerlegs who had mistakenly been given the shoes in question lived as far from Target as it was possible to get while still being in Athens, so after a solid half hour of red lights and rando back roads, we finally arrived, grabbed the shoes and did a fist pumping victory dance in the parking lot. I'm pretty sure I hear the Rocky theme play people, it was that kind of moment.
Now Stage Two of The Great Chaco Adventure began as we wound our way back from the outskirts of Athens to Target - we still needed those gummy worms and printer ink you see. We got off the Loop 10 and, since we're poor college students and I have a thing for cheap romance novels, decided to hit up America's Thrift Store (I'd even printed off the 10% off coupon guys, we were in full spend-thrift mode here). Now we'd all been to the thrift store before, but my sense of direction, and apparently my partners' in crimes too, is not exactly the sharpest, so we headed oh I don't know TEN MINUTES in the wrong direction before we realized that we clearly were heading to nowhere fast if where we wanted to be was the thrift store. Making another u-ey - I am clearly destined to be good at these - we headed back toward where we'd exited the Loop, passing some palm trees that our dear Dangerlegs so kindly pointed out as we went by for the second, or was it the third?, time. Since you guys don't know my from Adam and therefore don't know how I would react to the stress of 2 hours in the car after a long day of school on an empty stomach, allow me to fill you in: I went BESERK. I actually threatened to pull the car over and kill her (could I have sounded any more like my mother?!). For those of you who were worried, no blood was shed, but by the time we arrived back at the dorm, printer ink, gummy worms, cheap romance novels, and, of course, the Foxy Green Chacos in tow, tensions were running high. We unwound by eating some hun-ten-cal-fro-yo over at The O before spending the rest of the evening watching Liberty's Kids (more on that particular joy later).
Needless to say, The Great Chaco Adventure will not soon be forgotten by those of us livin' in the UGA.

What's Goin Down

Greetings from Athens. 
We three lovely ladies - The Girls - are freshmen at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Given our penchant for saying/doing rando junk that no one else seems to witness, we decided to create a blog to keep people up-to-date on the too cool happenings in our lives. We hope that you enjoy reading about the Random Stuff We Do and Say Livin' in the UGA!